auxiell and Cybertec supporting manufacturing companies


A partnership established to support manufacturing companies in enhancing their market competitiveness through process transformation and the use of advanced technologies like CyberPlan.

This collaboration with Cybertec, a company specialising in production planning and scheduling software and part of the Zucchetti Group, aims to improve the performance of manufacturing companies by helping them establish effective, efficient, digital, people-oriented, sustainable, and profitable processes.

By combining our respective expertise, we work in synergy to transform processes, integrating our efficiency method with Cybertec’s innovative CyberPlan software – an ERP - integrated tool for managing the supply chain (finite capacity scheduling). This tool enables us to thoroughly support clients on their journey toward operational efficiency.

Partnership benefits

This partnership offers the dual benefit of:


  • Allowing client companies to avoid implementing advanced tools that plan inefficient or slow processes
  • Transforming the process from the very beginning of the efficiency project by integrating CyberPlan’s functionalities and following the correct steps:


        • Analysis to identify waste and opportunities
        • Process redesign based on the 4M + E framework (manpower, machinery, methods, materials, environment)
        • Implementing the new process to ensure performance in terms of speed and quality until the set objectives are reached. In this phase, CyberPlan enables detailed scheduling and planning across short, medium, and long-term horizons


This partnership is already active in several prominent industrial companies, including CIB Unigas and ABS – Acciaierie Bertoli Safau.



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