Leaders by Example

Marcolin Covering:
An example of female leadership

Federica Sator, entrepreneur at Marcolin Covering
Federica Sartor
For 50 years, Marcolin Covering has been operating in the field of PVC coverings, producing, renting, and selling modular marquees for exhibitions and events.

Many key roles in the company are held by women with excellent soft skills, starting with CEO Federica Sartor. The entrepreneur, upon recognising the need to reorganise production and processes in preparation for a new production site, understood the importance of involving all personnel in the transformation process to make it stable and lasting.

The company had been experiencing turnover growth, but also faced challenges in various business areas. Thanks to the participation of all members of the organisation, with many key roles held by women, the transformation was successful and is an example of lean transformation driven by female leadership.
Federica Sartor, imprenditrice in Marcolin Covering (primo piano)
Federica Sartor
"Not just a scientific method, but also an investment in people."

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Marcolin Covering: An example of female leadership

Federica Sartor

Federica Sartor



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