Leaders by Example

Municipality of Pordenone:
an example of leadership by commitment

When commitment and willingness to improve trigger profound change

The Municipality of Pordenone’s team exemplifies Leadership by Commitment.

In a context where operational processes were often perceived as static, the determination of its staff has shown that even in public administration, concrete and lasting results are achievable.

The decision to approach improvement as a shared process has transformed their work methods. The focus extended beyond technical efficiency to a broader transformation: involving people, revising habits, and fostering a culture of responsibility and value creation for the entire community.

This transformation is not the result of a sudden revolution, but of daily and consistent effort. Every small step and newfound awareness has contributed to creating a more organised environment, enabling faster responses and fostering a more direct relationship with citizens. The outcome demonstrates that even in public administration, dedication and a drive for improvement can make a difference, setting an example and inspiring a model where change becomes an integral part of serving the community.

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Flavia Maraston
Head of educational and school services, culture, sport, and youth policies sector
"You can reorganise offices, but if you don’t change the mentality in people, you won’t achieve anything"

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