Method & framework
To be effective and efficient in realising their business model, organisations need processes that function systemically.
This is why all our consultants work together synergistically, ensuring that activities – both internal and client-based – are integrated, aligned, and oriented towards strategic goals.
Our approach – how we do things –
can be summed up in three aspects:

The auxiell Lean System® is our proprietary management system through which we analyse, redesign, and implement high-performance processes based on the key principles underlying an effective and efficient organisation. It is applicable to any process and realises its full potential when adopted by the entire organisation in a systemic manner.
We apply the auxiell Lean System® to all four macro-processes within the company, which we refer to as the 4Ds, following the steps of the SPDCA approach.
At the heart of our framework are the seven principles that represent the conceptual guidelines upon which the entire system is based.
Value for the client
Examining the value creation process always from the client’s perspective.

Three streams
The value of business processes flows through three streams: operational flow, information flow, and workflow.

Elimination of waste
Removing obstacles to flow allows for a focus on value-adding activities. Eliminating waste from processes is one of the goals of every lean organisation.

Linking to demand
Aligning processes with client requirements
to ensure that demand is met.

Continuous improvement
Improving processes using a scientific approach to raise company standards and ensure the sustainability of improvements.

Involvement of all
Engaging resources to keep them motivated, thereby inducing virtuous behaviour so that processes are created and managed correctly.

Strategic system
Managing internal projects so that every effort contributes to closing the gap between the current situation and the defined strategic true north.

Genba leaders
Our presence in the genba, where value is created, allows us to fully understand the essence of the processes and then redesign them comprehensively, working with people and transforming their behaviour if necessary.
We drive change by example, which also means putting ourselves on the line. We are always at the forefront of improving processes alongside our customers.

To be lean, it is necessary to understand the
principles underlying the techniques
and transform processes by
first addressing people’s behaviour.
Results are delivered by people; only
through their involvement can
transformation be successful.
We work to engage individuals
who transform processes to deliver
tangible results.
This is the genuine difference between
being lean and implementing lean practices.

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