Fixed remuneration
Variable Compensation (MBO)
Mixed-use car
Fuel card
Credit card
Computer and telephone
People's well-being is at the heart of our development. We work hard to ensure the right work-life balance for our team, and initiatives in this regard include:
Despite the fact that our modus operandi involves being present in the genba, because this allows us to substantially change processes, unplanned client days do happen. In this case, internal activities are carried out that involve the possibility of smart working.
A day to reconnect with oneself after 20 consecutive days as a client. Our concrete way of paying attention to the well-being of the team and showing them gratitude for their commitment. In parallel, we recognize time spent on the road with a fair financial incentive for travel.
Disbursed annually, it is given to all employees as an additional credit to their pay and allows facilitated access to comprehensive personal care pathways. For those who frequently spend nights out, in addition to recognizing travel per diems, we award an additional welfare credit of increasing amount in relation to the number of per diems.
It is a path that aims to remove obstacles and release personal potential to maximize performance by fostering learning from experience. Unlike mentoring, which is professionally oriented, coaching focuses on personal growth.
Introduce us to a talent. This program not only helps us discover new professionals/talents, but also rewards team members for their contributions.